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  «« January, 2024February, 2024March, 2024 »»  

  February, 2024 January, 2024 average
per day
for 3 months
  Amount average
per day
Amount average
per day
Views 1927 70.90 1737 56 70.90
Hosts 336 26.50 324 26.50 26.50
Unique hosts 148   128    
Visitors 531 32.70 529 32.70 32.70
Views per visitor 3.6 2.2 3.3 1.7 2.2
Unique visitors 529   529    
Views per unique visitor 3.6   3.3    
Sessions 598 34.10 545 34.10 34.10
Views without cookies 0 0 0 0 0
Views without javascript 0 0 0 0 0
Reloads 0 0 0 0 0
Visits from other websites 6 2.50 223 2.50 2.50
Visits from bookmarks 265 23.90 185 6 23.90
Views by robots 19287 467.90 9593 467.90 467.90
Hosts of robots 2738 86.40 2659 86.40 86.40
Unique hosts with robots 530   560    
Show graph   Table of values (CSV)